A Podcast Intro – Why it works

A Podcast Intro – Why it works

Podcast IconIf you’re reading this post, you would probably be of the opinion that podcast intros are important. We agree wholeheartedly.  It all comes back to the old cliche about “first impressions” counting.  The music, voice and production you decide to place at the head of your show (or none at all)  let’s your listeners (potential or otherwise) sum you up within a few moments.  Like it or not – you’re being judged immediately.

You aim then is to ensure you present well from the get-go.

What Makes a Podcast Intro Work Best?

Short and Sweet…  don’t linger longer for no reason.  10-20 seconds is fine.  Get to the point and reward  your listeners expectations promptly.  If they don’t know who you are and what you’re about – don’t keep them hanging on unnecessarily.  Use your intro to make sure they’re know that they’ve come to the right place.

So in your podcast introduction… It’s best if you clarify things like the below:


  • Who you are – the NAME of your Podcast
  • What is your overall purpose (eg… the help small businesses market better etc)
  • Tell me who you are (you name(s) and where you’re from – if applicable)
  • Representative Music and Voice.  (does “punk rock” and “hard sell voice” really suit your show on macrame?)

LIVE PRE ROLL – Before INTRO (Voiced by you)

  • Tell me what this specific show is about (Show numbers may convey experience and value)
  • Warnings if necessary (eg – This show contains some language you may not like…)

If you find it hard to be uber creative before each episode, maybe it’s worth scripting a short piece that you can just drop in the relevant information.  This will keep things structured, familiar and professional.  I’ve heard a lot of podcasters say things like:

“Welcome to episode (NUMBER) of (Name of Podcast).  In today’s show we speak with (Content overview – tease to keep listening)… Look out for help with (pay off).  Let’s go….”


Keeping your podcast intro short and pointed is most effective.  Your listener’s are informed, on the same page.  They feel valued and motivated and looking forward to the pay off reward of listening.

Hope some of these points help you see the need to think hard about how your show sounds – right from the beginning.

So – good luck Making your show sound pro with just these few little tweaks.


RSS audio folder. Concept of podcast feed. 3D Icon isolated

Need help to produce your PODCAST INTRO?

Let us voice and produce your personalised podcast music and voice today.  Simply click below to get yours underway.

[button url=”https://podcastintros.com/equipment/podcast-intro-beds/” target=”_self” size=”large” style=”skyblue” ]LET’S START MAKING[/button]

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